Alex Bennett, technical writer, Firebrand Training, explains why ethical hackers hold the top job in 2017.
Secure the apps, not the cloud
Mike Kail, chief innovation officer, Cybric, explains why the application stack is the new perimeter organisations need to protect.
WannaCry: The old worms and the new
This week’s attacks leveraging the WannaCry ransomware were the first time we’ve seen an attack combine worm tactics along with …
How partners can become security-focused consultants
Haider Salloum, SMB Channel Director, Microsoft Gulf, says partners need to position themselves as trusted advisors to help customers mitigate …
Why telco providers should reduce their hardware footprint
Mohammed Al-Moneer, regional director, A10 Networks MENA, discusses why Middle East telcos should invest in the future and modernise their infrastructures.
Changing the security game
Eddie Schwartz, Executive VP of Cyber Services, DarkMatter, outlines why we need to turn the tables on cyber thieves. The …
Six questions to determine for channel partner planning
Gary Morris, CEO and founder, Successful Channels, shares why vendors should lay out disciplined channel planning processes to encourage partners …
How can technology enable a healthy work-life balance?
Arthur Dell, director, Technology and Service, MEA, Citrix, analyses how technology is providing enhancements in patient care within the region, …
What it takes to be a successful chief data officer
The growing importance of the chief data officer reflects the central role of information in digital business, says Gartner’s research director Alan Duncan.
Why you should think twice before hiring a chief AI officer
Is it time for companies to install a chief artificial intelligence officer to manage machine learning, natural language processing and associated efforts?
What Apache vulnerabilities really mean
Struts, the vulnerability recently found in a popular form of software (Apache Struts 2) offered by open source community, “The …
Get ready for the age of the platform
We moved from a world of instant communication to one of constant communication: everything now communicates with everything and we …
Let’s talk about doxware
Rishi Bhargava, Co-founder and VP Marketing, Demisto, gives us a lowdown on the latest threat looming in the cyberspace.
How to perfect a digital transformation strategy
In today’s digital age, getting smarter about data and taking steps to ensure that information is no longer an under-utilised …