Mohamed Mysara, SAS Customer Advisory, MEA Public Sector, outlines the role that a hybrid-analytics security culture can take in today’s digital landscape.

Mohamed Mysara, SAS Customer Advisory, MEA Public Sector, outlines the role that a hybrid-analytics security culture can take in today’s digital landscape.
Positive Technologies: DDoS attacks in the Gulf countries surge by 70% since the start of the year.
Tenable AI Aware provides exposure insight into AI applications, libraries and plugins so organisations can confidently expose and close AI risk, without inhibiting business operations.
Sahem Azzam, Senior Vice President, Middle East, Africa and Turkey, Orange Business, outlines the potential for smart city technology implementation throughout Africa.
Nation-State Groups Pivot to Open-Source Tooling, Sophos Uncovers Novel Keylogger “Tattletale”.
Alexey Potapov, Attack Detection Department Expert, PT Expert Security Center, Positive Technologies, explores the rising potential for Behavioural Anomaly Detection to support cybersecurity specialists.
Reshma Naik, Director, Systems Engineering, Emerging EMEA, Nutanix, has penned an exclusive op-ed for, in which she examines how …
Diana Dib, Partner, and Prateek Chauhan, Principal, at Strategy& Middle East, part of the PwC network, have co-authored a thought …
Saudi Arabia’s technology sector could reach an operating profit of up to SAR 15 billion by 2028.
The malicious activity, first observed at the beginning of August 2024, included over 20,000 global messages impacting over 70 organizations.
“We face the challenge of balancing detection quality with detection logic conversion”.
By refreshing and strengthening distinct aspects of a risk management strategy, an enterprise will be better positioned to defend against the speed and volume of today’s attacks.
The Innovation Race Survey reveals businesses are focused on mitigating threats at the risk of innovation and AI driven initiatives.
Kaspersky detects 23% increase in attacks targeting vulnerable Windows drivers.