Toufic Derbass, Managing Director Micro Focus Middle East & Africa, discusses how the latest IT platform from Micro Focus offers …

Toufic Derbass, Managing Director Micro Focus Middle East & Africa, discusses how the latest IT platform from Micro Focus offers …
So, as organisations continue with their Digital Transformation journeys, how can they ensure that a lack of trust towards technology does not prevent them from taking the necessary risks that come with any attempt to initiate change?
It’s often said that the most important resource in a business is its people, and futureproofing our workforce means attracting and nurturing the best possible talent.
Court of Authentication: Securing the Customer’s Authentication Journey.
Jihad Tayara, CEO of EVOTEQ questions if digital transformation needs to be disruptive and shares why it is essential to implement it without disrupting operations.
The opportunity and the need for DX has been made so clear during the past 12 months, but above all there is one factor holding it back: data protection and a company’s ability to ensure one of its most critical assets – data – is available at all times.
By Derek Manky, Chief, Security Insights & Global Threat Alliances, FortiGuard Labs As technology evolves, so too does cybercrime. The …
Cisco has conducted research to discover the top malware threats across industries in 2020 with in its new “DNS Security” report. It follows extensive analysis of malicious DNS activity and threats from January to December last year.
HPE Aruba Drives Industry 4.0 with Edge-to-Cloud Technologies that Support Hyper-Aware Industrial Facilities.
Privacy is a deceptively complex topic, it’s something that must be looked through social and technological lenses, which themselves change over time. It is true today that more data is being created, stored, indexed and analysed than ever before.
Ronald van Loon is a Lenovo partner, and was invited to participate in their Think Transformation: An experts guide to becoming ‘Data-Centred’ campaign, which shines a light on the importance of human involvement in sparking enterprise-wide intelligent transformation and making the most of data’s infinite potential – a principle of Ronald’s perspective as a digital transformation thought leader.
IP enables humans and machines to ‘talk’ to each other. It’s the foundation of the internet, and it works because it’s based on open industry standards. And it’s constantly evolving. New applications and use cases—such as 5G, Fiber Deep’s Converged Interconnect Network (CIN) architecture, and Edge Cloud—require that IP networks evolve to keep pace.
Besides improving its own energy efficiency, ICT can also help other sectors become more efficient, using the technologies it empowers to make logistics and workplaces much smarter.
March is Women’s History Month with this year’s theme being “choose to challenge.” From a cybersecurity perspective, the number of …