Friends and colleagues of journalists believe we live charmed lives, forever travelling round the world in business class, hosted at …

Friends and colleagues of journalists believe we live charmed lives, forever travelling round the world in business class, hosted at …
It’s sometimes difficult to believe but our social networking accounts have become, in many cases, a part of our lives …
When speaking about information security, the first thing everybody thinks of is IT itself, the PC, network or server used. …
Has cloud computing reached its absolute peak in terms of hype? The topic makes for animated discussions at technology seminars these days and the hype seems to have reached a crescendo, making it really difficult to separate fact from fiction.
I came a little late to the Twitter party. Once I embraced the basic concept, I set out to build …
DLP (Data leakage prevention or as I sometimes call it, “disastrously ludicrous project”) is fantastic in theory. However, without the …
Bureaucracy is the curse of government. This is a worldwide truism but many of us hoped that the widespread adoption …
I was shocked to hear recently that an established telecoms company had lost revenue because its billing system wasn’t backed …
When I first started writing about enterprise IT, some 25 years ago, there were three key areas of interest for …
There’s been strangely little fuss about Etisalat’s announcement that Abu Dhabi is now the first capital city entirely covered with …
In the modern world, data overwhelms us. The power of numbers seems, more than anything, else the power to confuse …
Online advertisements are a part of our daily browsing experience as it has also become an essential part of companies’ …
Before I finally leave Dubai, a place I’ve worked in for 20 years and called home for the last ten, …
A handful of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software companies have exited the great recession, regained their footing and posted respectable …