help AG’s number wizard
Angelika Plate’s toughest job in her life was completing her PhD at the Hannover University in Germany – the specific thesis topic had never been solved before. Completing her studies both in mathematics and computer science in 1993, Plate went on to become an independent consultant in the various global ISO and IEC security standards. Joining Dubai based security solution reseller help AG in 2010, Plate now functions as its Director of strategic security consulting. As part of her current job role she enjoys identifying the best possible solution that addresses the risks faced by her clients and which is most suitable for their business. Her stint with the international standards group, also the most stimulating period in her life, helps her to bring this innovation into her job role. On the other hand, convincing clients to adopt a more rigorous consulting approach to risk assessment, ranks as her biggest job role challenge.
Off work, Plate unwinds by horse riding or listening to music or meeting friends and lets her mood decide the rest. She passionately daydreams of winning a horse riding event with cross country, show jumping and dressage performances. She is happily addicted to the iPhone, iPad and iPod devices and uses social networks for her work life. But she draws the line on social networking in her personal life and describes herself as open and friendly. Learning informally as she does all the time is something she cannot imagine ever stopping.