The Dubai Roads and Transport Authority, RTA, has endorsed the standards of testing electric, hybrid and self-driving vehicles, which are in line with the highest international standards applied in leading countries in this regard worldwide.
“The Maturity Index of these standards has been developed to make Dubai pioneering in this field.” said Abdullah Yousef Al Ali, RTA Dubai.
Al Ali further highlighted that 66 workshops have been held with vehicle manufacturers, approved testing centres in Dubai, and consultancy companies in the UAE to review these standards and share knowledge.
“During these workshops, the responsibilities of each party were clearly defined, and plans were developed to ensure the successful implementation,” he explained.
“As for the testing of electric and hybrid vehicles, RTA has given due consideration to the components of those vehicles such as the high-voltage battery, internal charging system, circuit breaker, and transformer. Universal standards have been set up for implementation by technical inspection centres across Dubai, which were briefed about the role of equipment manufacturers.”
Concerning self-driving vehicles, the technical testing standards and related technologies will ensure the primacy and pioneering role of Dubai in this class of vehicles, the Licensing Agency CEO said.
“It involved the provision of appropriate infrastructure to ensure the safety and security of using these vehicles, especially noting that this type of vehicles will become a reality and hit Dubai streets in the near future. The anticipated technological advancements and associated challenges warrant making such preparations.
“While developing the logistical support for the technical testing strategy of these vehicles, RTA gave due consideration to the provision of trained technical staffs, the use of technology-aided testing, and the anticipated growth rate of these vehicles. Our ultimate aim is to empower Dubai to have a global competitive edge in this regard.”
He concluded by saying that the strategy involves short-term plans coupled with urgent steps to be taken over the next 12 months and a long-term plan – up to 2040 – to ensure the building of a solid base that contributes to the fruition of the vision of Dubai Government and RTA.