ICO Watchdogs Smart Contract Auditing Service Tokengrade, audits smart contracts to ensure it is line with a startups whitepaper, as well as auditing the quality and security of the smart contract itself.
AI to detect mobile banking fraud in seconds
Microsoft has developed a solution using artificial intelligence (AI) that can identify fraudulent mobile banking transactions in less than two seconds.
Facebook says BlackBerry stole its voice messaging tech
Facebook is reportedly suing BlackBerry for patent infringement, escalating the legal battle between the two companies over protected technology.
UAE initiatives boost regional Smart City spending to $2.3 billion
The UAE’s government-led Smart City projects are driving regional Smart Cities spend to reach a record-high of $2.3 billion by 2021.
European news agencies slam Internet giants for “plundering” content
Europe’s biggest news agencies have accused Google and Facebook of “plundering” news for free on Tuesday in a joint statement that called on the Internet giants to share more of their revenues with the media.
Cyber-attacks targeting UAE entities down 39%: TRA
A total of 274 cyber-attacks targeted government, semi-government and private sector entities in the UAE during the first seven months of the year.
Amazon joins Apple in the $1 trillion club
Amazon.com made history on Tuesday as it becomes the second publicly traded US company to reach the historic threshold after Apple.
Saudi Arabia Facebook users report service outage
Users of Facebook’s most popular apps have complained about not being able to access some of the company’s products on …
Middle East region leads $2.6 trillion smart cities market
The Middle East and North Africa, and especially the GCC, are spearheading the $2.6 billion global Smart Cities market, according to Schneider Electric.
Huawei secures No. 2 spot in global smartphone market
Huawei surpassed Apple to secure the No. 2 worldwide smartphone vendor position for the first time ever, according to Gartner.
Bahrain’s Investcorp snaps up recruitment-focused tech firm
Investcorp Technology Partners, a European lower middle market technology investor, has announced that it acquired Berlin-based Softgarden, a Human Resources (HR) software provider for an undisclosed sum.
UAE spotlights best practices in e-participation
The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) has held a workshop on “Developments and best practices in the UN E-Government Survey 2018.”
Huawei debuts Alexa-powered smart speaker
Huawei Consumer Business Group has unveiled the Huawei AI Cube, a two-in-one speaker and 4G router with Alexa built-in, marking its official entry into the nascent smart speaker market, at the ongoing IFA 2018, being held in Germany.
Etisalat offers world’s first free in-flight data
Etisalat has announced that subscribers of any Global Business Roaming pack can now enjoy in-flight coverage in all airlines that provide on-board connectivity at no extra cost.