Omar Sultan Al Olama, UAE’s Minister of State for Artificial Intelligence, member of the Board of Trustees of Dubai Future Foundation and deputy managing director, has revealed a new initiative that aims to equip the next generation of Emiratis with leadership skills.
The initiative which will be implemented in partnership with the Mohammed Bin Rashid School of Government looks at providing the Emirati youth with leadership skills, developing their practical experience and enhancing their knowledge in employing Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology in government work through training, educational courses and workshops.
The MoU is part of the UAE Artificial Intelligence Summer Camp initiative. It provides an opportunity for specialised individuals in the public and private sectors, and school and university students to learn about effective implementation mechanisms for the UAE Strategy for AI.
Al Olama said, “Preparing young Emiratis in AI and the use of its techniques to create innovative solutions to future challenges, supports the vision and directives of our leadership, to strengthen the UAE’s position as a global hub in the use of AI to shape the future.”
“The creation of government services, programmes and initiatives that enhance the quality of life in the community and support having a competitive knowledgeable economy requires tools, skills and future potentials. These tools have become commonly used worldwide and will have a major role in shaping the future,” he added.
Under the MoU, the MBRSG offers the executive education programme ‘Governance of Artificial Intelligence’ to leaders and government decision-makers. The members will learn about the benefits of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the development of AI technology as well as the benefits of employing AI tools and techniques in vital areas such as healthcare, transportation, education, security, agriculture, retail, trade, finance, insurance, banking, and more.
Dr. Ali Sebaa Al Marri, executive president, MBRSG highlighted that the MoU aims at honing the skills of young Emiratis and unleashing their creative potential to transform their innovative ideas into realistic work practices and models and to employ artificial intelligence to advance the pace of construction, progress and governmental efforts. This works to develop future work methods that contribute to enhancing the quality of life in the community and strengthen the UAE’s position.
The programme is designed in an innovative and modern way based on lectures, group dialogues and smart collective methods, in an analytical framework that includes many aspects, such as the governance of artificial intelligence to achieve maximum benefits, reduce risks, and deepen participants’ understanding of the effects of high rates of dependence on AI in various fields.