The information you provide in your GovTech Innovation Awards application will be used by CNME for judging the awards and for articles (both in print and online) or other publicity relating to the GovTech Innovation Awards. Application information will be used for editorial purposes only. If you have information about your project (such as internal metrics) that you would prefer not to be published, but which you would like us to consider as part of your application, please note this in the text box where the information appears or where asked to do so specifically in the application. Information not labeled in this way will be considered by CNME editors to be publishable.
The Tahawultech GovTech Innovation Awards 2025 have been specifically designed to celebrate government entities and individuals that are driving change and digital transformation across the IT industry.
The nomination process is straightforward. There are 27 categories - nominees are required to select a maximum of 3 categories that are most relevant to them - and explain to us in 100 words or less why they deserve to be in contention for an award.