At the region’s biggest technology show, GITEX Technology Week, IT security company Check Point is emphasising on its Infinity Architecture and educating attendees on Generation V threat landscape.
As cyber-attackers become more sophisticated and advanced, customers are seeking robust security solutions to combat and prevent these increasing threats.
Ram Narayanan, regional sales manager, Check Point, said, “GITEX is a fantastic platform to network with our channel partners as well as customers who are looking for novelty in the market. It also provides us an opportunity to share our roadmap and plans with all our stakeholders from a cybersecurity perspective.”
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Narayanan added that during the five-day technology show, the company is educating customers “on the importance of having Generation V solutions to battle Generation V threat landscape. Check Point’s Infinity architecture is specially designed to address these security challenges.”
The threat landscape has evolved greatly over time. Generation I threat landscape included virus-related attacks while Generation II was all the threats relating to networks. Generation III threats were linked to applications with Generation IV threat landscape encompassing zero day threats, APTs and the like. Today we are operating in Generation V threat landscape, which is essentially a combination of all the threats at a much larger scale. Check Point is enabling customers to address the security challenges that arise out of the current threat landscape.
Narayanan said, “Over the course of 2018, we have expanded the team across the region. In 2019, we are aiming to have in-country presence in every GCC country. We have a large expansion plan in the pipeline when it comes to the region. We are also seeing interest for our offerings from channel partners with whom we haven’t worked with before, especially those partners focused on mobility and cloud security. We are working towards engaging closely with them.”
He added that Generation V threats are real. “Check Point is in a great position to address all customer requirements in a consolidated way. Most of our partners are in a position to showcase the value that they can offer through Check Point solutions. For any new partners looking to invest in security, there is a big opportunity to engage with us. We are also planning to expand our channel base in 2019.”