Bilal Agha, B2B Marketing Director at FastTelco, Kuwait, explained to CNME Editor Mark Forker, the role his company has played in addressing the needs of end-users seeking to achieve digital transformation – and how the training needs of the channel community has been exacerbated by the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Organisations have witnessed a massive increase in the need to have effective remote working solutions over the past year and enterprise have undertaken a highly accelerated digital transformation journey. Can you explain how FastTelco as a key Cisco Partner is working to address the needs of the end users in their digital transformation journey?
Most organisations have undergone digital transformation at a highly accelerated rate due to the challenges posed by the ongoing pandemic. To a great extent, many of these organisations have realised the true importance of digital transformations only once they were faced with the threat of disruption to business.
As a key Cisco partner, we at FastTelco have helped our customers take a strategic approach towards digital transformation even before the current unprecedented times.
Since the onset of the pandemic, we have been following a highly pro-active approach in helping our customers understand how we can help them digitally transform their business with the right Cisco solutions.
At FastTelco, we have not only been assisting our customers with solutions that address the current needs of having a secured and connected remote workforce but also unleash the true power of a digitally transformed business.
We have been offering Cisco Cloud solutions to our customers to help bring people and applications closer together securely and cost-effectively. A big part of our focus has been to offer Cisco solutions that help build business resiliency and contingency.
The training needs of the channel community have increased drastically since the onset of the pandemic. Cisco and Comstor have been at the forefront in keeping the channel trained and certified during the pandemic through their virtual training initiatives. How has been your experience as being one of the key partners to be a part of these virtual sessions?
One of the impacts of the pandemic has been that the rate at which the customers are adopting technology has highly accelerated.
This has in turn not only led to an acceleration in the technological advancements but has also created a higher need for technical and sales resources to be trained. Our entire team has taken leverage of all the virtual events and trainings that Cisco & Comstor have provided to further grow our technical capabilities and become trained on the latest technologies which Cisco has in their portfolio.
This has helped us position the right solutions to our customers and successfully address their evolving needs.
Many organisations might prefer adopting a hybrid model in which a part of their workforce might continue to work remotely even post the pandemic. How are Cisco helping to address the needs of these organisations?
Cisco has always led the way in understanding the evolving needs of its customers and offering solutions to address the same.
The current surge in need for remote/ hybrid working solutions is no exception. Cisco offers best-in-class solutions to help organisations ensure secure connectivity for their remote workforce thus making it easy for organisations to adopt a hybrid model in which a part of their workforce might continue to work remotely even at a later stage.
Cisco has a wide range of offerings to address the needs of the customers such as:
- Secure Remote Access Solutions (Anyconnect VPN) with 2 factor-authentication (duo)
- Collaboration Solutions like Webex, End-point security solutions like AMP/Umbrella
- Cisco’s Zero trust network architecture framework (ZTNA) ensures seamless, collaborative and secure connectivity.