GovTech Awards 2025

The UAE has forged a global reputation for being one of the most innovative countries in the entire world.

It has cultivated and fostered an environment that is fundamentally designed to encourage entrepreneurship, innovation, and technological breakthroughs that lead to seismic change across the UAE.

The UAE became the first country in the world to appoint a dedicated Minister for AI – which only served to further illustrate how it is placing technology at the heart of its strategic roadmap and development as a nation.

In recent years, the UAE has also dazzled the world with its phenomenal EXPO 2020, which is now essentially a living, breathing smart city – and its Mission to Mars and space exploits have garnered widespread acclaim.

In every edition of CNME, we attempt to shed light on the incredible government entities and individuals that are driving these changes as part of their overall mission, which is to enhance the lives of every single resident and citizen that lives in the UAE.

Each month, we highlight the government trailblazers that are transforming the UAE, in their bid to make the country the smartest and greatest nation on earth.

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