The trusted cloud and cyber advisor StarLink has, in the words of its new CEO, Bashar Bashaireh, a mindset of “growth and nothing but growth”.
The Dubai-based Bashaireh, who joined StarLink at the beginning of September, says that the company is aiming to grow not only by expanding into new geographies.
Describing itself as a true value-added distributor, StarLink is also looking to expand its range of solutions in the marketplace.
“We’re going to consistently re-evaluate our solutions life cycle. We’re going to identify new technologies, new products we should add to our offerings,” said Bashaireh.
When it comes to introducing new technologies, StarLink aims to capitalise on the way in which “IT has become a really integral part of enabling the business”.
“We have to introduce IT solutions in order for us to become competitive and be ahead of the others, regardless of what market segment,” he said.
“An example is adoption of the cloud. Another trend we see is digital transformation.”
The company can help customers with everything from regulatory compliance to dealing with external and internal threats.
“Taking all that into account we have developed our StarLink Solutions Lifecycle, which addresses these challenges,” said Bashaireh.
“There are some people who say data will become more expensive than black gold – oil – so we really need to provide the right product. Whether it’s on-premise or in the cloud, data needs to be protected.”
StarLink has an on-the-ground presence in 20 countries, including the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman and a number of other Middle Eastern nations, and has a portfolio of more than 45 technology vendors.
Its channel network of over 1,100 partners serves more than 2,200 enterprise and government customers.
Bashaireh says there are numerous elements to StarLink’s description of itself as a “true” value-added distributor.
“For each vendor or solution, we have a product-management team acting as an extended arm for that vendor. We help our vendors to improve their market coverage and market reach,” he said.
StarLink also focuses on improving customer “stickiness” and acts as a training centre for its many vendors.
“On the customer side we act as a true value-added and trusted advisor both on the cyber side and the cloud side. Our mission is to reach the highest levels to enhance the customer experience,” he said.
“Our technical reseller consultants and business development teams work closely with our customers to identify gaps in their security postures and come back with a value-added proposition to identify them.”
As well as expanding in the Middle East, StarLink is looking to increase market share in Europe and the United States, areas where the company has made “huge investments” and opened new offices.