OMA Group LLC has been registered as Third Party Service Provider (TPSP) for UnionPay International. It has successfully verified its PCI compliance to the payment system and with this certification, OMA will provide banks with access to UnionPay’s network and maintain acquiring programs of the member banks in the UnionPay International system in the Middle East, Pakistan and other regions. UnionPay is a brand that has witnessed exponential growth in the last decade and is currently one of the largest card schemes worldwide.

“We are very excited to be registered as TPSP for UnionPay International and we look forward to further strengthen our position across multiple regions by providing access to UnionPay cards, digital payments and offering value-added products and services to our clients,” said Niranj Sangal, Group CEO, OMA Emirates Group.
“Thrilled to be TPSP of UnionPay International and with this, we aim to achieve new heights and milestones in future,” said Musharraf Abbas, CEO, OMA Pakistan (Pvt) Limited.
“UnionPay is one of the leading international card schemes worldwide. It is now accepted across the country in Pakistan with nearly 13 million cards issued locally. Since mobile payment relying on smartphones and digital wallets has become increasingly popular, around 300 thousand local merchants have enabled UnionPay QR code payment acceptance which provides seamless, convenient and secure payment experiences to the local customers,” said James Yang, General Manager of UnionPay International Middle East.