Channelhub, an online platform that connects consumer electronic vendors with distributors and retailers across the globe, has announced the availability of six lists of the Top 30 Distributors for consumer electronics in UK, France, Italy, Spain, Germany and Russia. The lists were compiled with input from its sister company, ITdistri, and based on interviews with distributors and open sources across these countries.
In addition, the team is working on creating lists for the remaining European countries and regions including Scandinavia, Belgium, Czechia, Romania, Slovenia among others.
Farouk Hemraj, CEO, Channelhub, said, “We have compiled these lists to make sure we have the right distributors on our platform and to also offer this information to the vendors outside Europe who are trying to break into these markets. Market intelligence is crucial in helping them plan their strategies into Europe.”
Alain Godet, founder, ITdistri and co-founder, ChannelHub, said, “We voluntarily limited ourselves to the Top 30 distributors for the larger European countries but will have to club other smaller countries into blocs and will probably have to restrict ourselves to Top 20 in some of them.”
Channelhub was set up to create a platform that enable new tech startups to reach established consumer electronics distributors and retailers across the globe.
Hemraj added, “The tech scene is constantly evolving and there are new startups bringing new and innovative products to the market and we want our platform to enable distributors and retailers to stay informed to make good business decisions that would help them stay in tune with trends.”