Enterprise IT spending in Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA) will reach €604 billion in 2011, a 1.4% decline …

Enterprise IT spending in Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA) will reach €604 billion in 2011, a 1.4% decline …
Ericsson and Sony Corporation announced that Sony will acquire Ericsson’s 50% stake in Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB (“Sony Ericsson”), …
His Majesty King Abdullah II of Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and John Chambers, Cisco’s Chairman and CEO, formally inaugurated Jordan’s …
CIOs in the Middle East still struggle to give green ICT investments a business language, and this is hampering the …
SAS, a leader in business analytics, and Satvik, a consulting and analytics solutions provider got together to give retail end-users …
At a crowded CIO Council roundtable today, the Middle East arm of SAS, an international leader in business analytics, announced …
Dubai’s Department of Economic Development (DED) has managed something most IT managers only dream of – implement a network and …
One of the best parts of GITEX for me is the number of people from outside the UAE that you …
With energy consumption in the Middle East set to double in the next decade, electric utilities and energy providers need …
Is Microsoft using a next-generation computing boot-loading technology to lock out the use of Linux and other OSEs on certain …
There are few elements within an IT team that touch as many departments within an organisation and remain a complex …
Cloud computing in the region is yet immature, and there are several challenges that exist in the region. Nevertheless, there …
Riverbed Technology, the IT performance company, will join discussions on cloud computing concepts, practices and trends at Cloud Congress 2011. …
Bahman Enterprises Group achieves reliable connectivity across multiple offices with a Fortinet solution. Bahman Enterprises Group, an established powerhouse in …