Proponents say DevOps enhances security, naysayers contend it weakens security.

Proponents say DevOps enhances security, naysayers contend it weakens security.
Joe So, CTO, Industry Solutions, Huawei talks about the definition of a smart city and outlines a few smart city initiatives across the world. Thomas Lynch from market research firm IHS goes on to talk about Huawei’s role is making smart cities safe.
Businesses are increasingly looking to their CISOs to define, implement, measure and communicate the strategies they need to both assess and manage all areas of risk.
The Windows dominated company infrastructures are not so frequent anymore. Organisations and IT departments are challenged with multi-platform workstations thanks to several factors.
On September 22, 2016, Yahoo confirmed that hackers stole the personal data associated with at least 500 million Yahoo accounts. Details including names, passwords, email addresses, phone numbers and security questions were taken from the company’s network in late 2014 by what is believed to be a state-sponsored hacking group.
There is a firmly held concern in security circles that the automation associated with DevOps moves too swiftly, that security teams and their tests can’t keep up and security falls to the wayside.
Click fraud is more than just a marketing problem. It presents a real security risk to your organisation, experts say. CIOs need to know their enemy.
Cities today need public safety solutions for incident prevention, emergency response and evidence collection. 60+ cities in 30+ countries are already using Huawei’s Safe City Solution.
Today’s SIEM technology boasts more brain power than ever, but many organisations fail to realise its full promise. Here are the key questions you need to ask to ensure the solution you choose will deliver.
Information security audits are on the rise, as organisations look to not only bolster their security postures, but demonstrate their efforts to other parties such as regulators. We bring you some suggestions on how to conduct an effective security audit.
Carolyn Crandall, CMO, Attivo Networks, discusses how security teams can gain the upper hand by going on the offense and creating an environment that provides continuous real-time detection against an ever-changing landscape of cyber threats.