Cisco Systems and Hewlett-Packard probably won’t force their mutual customers to take sides after the end of their partnership, though …

Cisco Systems and Hewlett-Packard probably won’t force their mutual customers to take sides after the end of their partnership, though …
Intel is going after the tablet market for its low-power processors, including an upcoming Atom processor designed for mobile phones, …
After a couple years of false starts, aborted mergers, and other behind-the-scenes mishaps, Microsoft and Yahoo are ready to form …
Adobe Systems is working to fix a glitch in software it uses to speed up downloads of its products that …
A Florida woman filed a class-action lawsuit against Google Inc., charging that the new Buzz social networking tool set violates …
HCL already services more than 25 large organisations in the Middle East and this headquarter will become the hub for …
Symantec will ship a new version of its Norton 360 security and online storage/backup product and announced that free applications …
Some Mac users blasted Microsoft’s plan to "ribbonize" the next version of Office for the Mac, while others — many …
Apple iPhone application developers have taken a look at the nuances of building software for the the larger iPad tablet …
Hackers behind the rootkit responsible for crippling Windows machines after users installed a Microsoft security patch have updated their malware …
High Tech Computer unveiled its first smartphone that uses Qualcomm’s Brew MP operating system on Wednesday at the Mobile World …
HP is assisting businesses and government agencies to accelerate the adoption of cloud-based infrastructures to improve technology and business flexibility. …
Mozilla patched five vulnerabilities, three of them critical, in older editions of Firefox and in the process extended the support …
Most Windows 7 PCs max out their memory, resulting in performance bottlenecks, a researcher said. Citing data from Devil Mountain …