James Dartnell

Global signs Synology NAS deal

Global Distribution has signed an agreement with Synology to distribute the range of Network Attached Storage (NAS) server products in GCC and Africa.

Snowden: IT pros are spying targets

National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden joined journalist Glenn Greenwald to complete the lineup at day three of CeBIT 2015 with a Q&A session at the Hannover trade show.

NATO ‘not tied to cyber retaliation’

NATO is not “tied to any cybersecurity actions” but is willing to bypass laws to protect its member states in the event of attacks, according to a company IT security officer speaking at Hannover’s CeBIT 2015 trade show.

Amazon acquires 2lementry

Amazon.com has acquired 2lemetry, a startup that has developed a platform for the integration of connected devices across enterprises, as it expands on its Internet of Things strategy. The current customers of 2lemetry will continue to be supported, with the name and branding retained.

Keep security simple

Alan Matthews, Chairman, Rapid7 believes in deleting emails. He strongly suggests not hoarding unused data, like old correspondence that can be mined by cyber-criminals and used against you. CNME sits down with Matthews to see what other suggestions he has to keep our data safe.

Kaspersky: Critical infrastructure faces severe threats

Cyber-terrorism attacks against power grids, water supply systems, chemical plants and other critical infrastructure loom as a threat that could become harsh reality before slow-moving agencies act to secure them better, says the head of Kaspersky Lab.

TP-LINK expands SMB products array

TP-LINK has expanded its SMB products portfolio with the launch of the EAP220, a business class indoor Wi-Fi access point and T3700G-28TQ, a 28-Port Gigabit stackable Layer3 managed switch.


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