British intelligence agency Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) has reportedly infiltrated hacktivist groups and used denial-of-service and other techniques to disrupt their online activities.

British intelligence agency Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) has reportedly infiltrated hacktivist groups and used denial-of-service and other techniques to disrupt their online activities.
The healthcare market in Asia-Pacific is booming and an interesting example of the innovation of the region is reflected in Seoul National University Bundang Hospital’s embrace of SAP HANA as a data warehousing solution.
Google has added Cisco to the list of tech companies with which it has struck a long-term patent cross-licensing agreement.
SanDisk has announced an investment in software defined storage firm Nexenta Systems.
RSA, the security division of EMC, yesterday hosted its Security Summit, a one day security conference in Dubai aimed at helping organisations address evolving, complex and sensitive security challenges.
The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority’s 2014 IPV6 training courses are currently underway in the TRA offices both in Abu Dhabi and Dubai.
Arbor Networks has released its 9th Annual Worldwide Infrastructure Security Report, which has found a 36 percent increase in organisations targeted by Advanced Persistent Threats.
The technology of 3D ‘bioprinting’, the medical application of 3D printing to produce living tissue and organs, is advancing so quickly that it will spark a major ethical debate on its use by 2016, according to Gartner.
HID has released its projections for trends that will have the greatest impact on the secure identity industry in 2014.
Lenovo chairman and CEO Yang Yuanqing has said that January was the perfect time to restructure the company.
FireEye has announced the release of FireEye OS 7.1, the update to the FireEye OS.
Recently, we have been called in to help companies handle attacks from the Syrian Electronic Army (SEA). Our first priority is to help contain the damage, figure out which accounts have been compromised that have not been used yet to cause damage, and clean things up.
IDC recently predicted that CIOs will be forced to take a ‘mobility first’ approach to building networks, whereby mobility solutions and BYOD policies are integrated into infrastructures. How accurate is this prediction, and is the Middle East really ready to put mobile first?
Cloud video provider Brightcove has announced the expansion of its operations with the opening of its office in Dubai.