plans to deliver packages to customers using unmanned aerial vehicles in 30 minutes or less.
Why mobile and cloud will converge to become Mobile Cloud
Everything’s coming up mobile these days. Gartner estimates that PC sales will make up only about 13 percent of device sales in 2013 – and some undisclosed portion of those PCs are notebooks.
Europe’s biggest software clusters no match for Silicon Valley heavyweights
The EU has built a core of world class software zones but remains some way from emulating Silicon Valley’s ability to fuse technological innovation with economic success, a Fraunhofer Institute study has found.
Experts debate Cisco’s 2017 cloud computing forecast
Cisco Systems’s third annual Global Cloud Index forecasts that global cloud traffic will more than quadruple, from 1.2 zettabytes in 2012 to 5.3 ZB in 2017. That works out to about 443 exabytes a month, or about 476 billion GB.
UN panel passes draft resolution on digital privacy threats
Following reports about U.S. surveillance worldwide, a United Nations panel has adopted a draft resolution on potential threats to human rights such as the right to privacy in the digital age.
Computers developing ‘common sense’ via image analysis
While some people may think their minds are being numbed by scrolling through images of cats playing piano, or dogs eating biscuits, one computer is doing the same and getting smarter.
Price of one bitcoin surpasses $1,000 on Mt. Gox
The price of a single bitcoin reached US$1,000 Wednesday, demonstrating a new level of interest for the digital currency that earlier this year was trading for just $30.
Windows RT under threat as Microsoft looks to cut one operating system
Microsoft has admitted that it has too many operating systems and will no longer offer either Windows Phone, Windows 8 or Windows RT.
BlackBerry increases Android app support
BlackBerry hopes to make it easier for Android applications to run on its latest smartphones.
Internet of Things a key player
Several opportunities are predicted to emerge in the coming months as more data is generated by machines or things other than human beings.
Kaspersky: trojan programme ‘Neverquest’ new threat to online banking
A new Trojan programme that targets users of online financial services has the potential to spread very quickly over the next few months, security researchers warn.
Insight: top signs that you’ve been breached
Because data is often the most valuable corporate asset – especially when customer information is concerned – staying alert for potential compromise is a critical IT job. Unfortunately, looking into a potential data breach is not easy.
VMware adds increased scale to Virtual SAN beta
VMware has posted a new beta release of Virtual SAN (VSAN) that lets enterprises add more storage capacity and management features.
HP shows signs of improvement after tough spell
Hewlett-Packard reported results for the last quarter of its fiscal year on Tuesday, and although sales were down from a year earlier there were some much-needed signs of improvement.