After criticism over new restrictions on the amount of virtual memory customers can deploy before having to buy new licenses, …
Subway serves up PXtech business intelligence platform
The Subway sandwich chain has adopted a new business intelligence platform, from UK IT systems supplier PXtech, for its franchisees …
Former Microsoft exec named new U.S. CIO
Longtime Microsoft executive Steven VanRoekel is set to become the nation’s second federal CIO, replacing outgoing federal CIO Vivek Kundra. …
Dell sells preconfigured Hadoop system
Recognising Apache Hadoop’s growing presence in the field of data analysis, Dell will start selling servers preloaded with the open-source …
Microsoft debuts software for homebrew gadget builds
Hardware hackers building their own gadgets may want to take a look at a new offering from Microsoft that promises …
Lloyds Banking Group lines up huge HBOS system migration
Lloyds Banking Group is testing systems ahead of a major migration of Halifax and Bank of Scotland (HBOS) accounts onto …
Flash storage moves closer to CPUs
In a bid to maximise the speed advantage of solid-state storage, more vendors are promoting approaches that move it closer …
HTC buys mobile backup service developer
HTC aims to boost its mobile backup and sync services with the acquisition of Seattle company Dashwire, the company said. …
Twitter to open source streaming data analyser
Expanding the field of complex event process software with another offering, Twitter will release as open source its software for …
Nokia Siemens Networks to cut 1500 jobs
Nokia Siemens Networks has announced it is cutting up to 1,500 jobs from its GSM and WiMax technology divisions. Jobs …
Security experts complacent about physical network: study
Security experts may be underestimating the security threat posed by physical attacks to the Internet’s infrastructure, a Lancaster University researcher …
IBM rivals drop EC mainframe complaint
Three rivals of IBM have dropped a major European Commission antitrust complaint against the supplier, around mainframe technology, the company …
Google, Microsoft bicker over patents
Google and Microsoft continued a very public and heated exchange that sparked after Google’s top legal officer accused rival companies …
Skype enables video on more Android smartphones
Skype has released version 2.1 of its application for Android, which allows more smartphones and tablets based on Google’s operating …