Windows Me may not have had much going for it, but it has one claim to fame: It was the …

Windows Me may not have had much going for it, but it has one claim to fame: It was the …
Building a cloud computing infrastructure can be a complicated endeavor, but stealth start-up VMOps hopes to provide a silver lining …
Lenovo said Switchbox is developing “new consumer technologies,” but details about its projects are largely a mystery. Its development work …
Intel plans to detail an eight-core Xeon processor at the International Solid-State Circuits Conference in San Francisco next month, offering …
Video surveillance was once the exclusive province of physical security; operators looked at multiple video screens, each displaying the field …
A carrier-grade voice over Wi-Fi (Vo-Fi) application will soon be available at the Apple App Store for the iPhone, as …
IBM announced that it has inked a deal to provide Whirlpool with an array of IT and process standardization services …
Lauren Flaherty replaces CMO Penny Wilson, who had held the post for two years. Wilson replaced Jeff Lindholm, who had …
GeoCluster is a software-based replication solution designed to integrate seamlessly with failover clustering, removing the requirement for shared storage and …
Interesting times among hard disk manufacturers. Western Digital continues to solidify its role as a leader in the drive industry. …
The world's six largest computer drive makers today published the final specifications(download PDF) for a single, full-disk encryption standard that …
Web sites rigged with malicious code are becoming more numerous by the day, but the time those sites are online …
The 3G networks of all four major U.S. wireless carriers deliver slower speeds than customers expect, according to Gartner Inc., …
With the addition of software agents from Yosemite, Barracuda can offer incremental backups of applications such as Microsoft Exchange Server …