Google's Android OS continues to extend its tentacles deeper into Microsoft territory. Two weeks ago Archos announced plans to roll …

Google's Android OS continues to extend its tentacles deeper into Microsoft territory. Two weeks ago Archos announced plans to roll …
The StorMagic SvSAN is designed to enable the deployment of a high-availability shared storage solution for VMware ESX environments for …
Developers building solutions based on Microsoft's SharePoint collaboration and business process platform will gain expanded support in the planned Visual …
Given the growing strain placed on the power grid every day and the increasing demand for data processing and storage, …
It may sound like heresy to say it, but it's possible to worry a little too much about security in …
Some Mozilla Corp. developers have recommended that the company consider yanking the new JavaScript engine, dubbed TraceMonkey, from Firefox 3.1 …
The new variant, dubbed Conficker B++, was spotted three days ago by SRI International researchers, who published details of the …
Desktop virtualization, with its promises of improved security, manageability and flexibility, may be on the verge of huge adoption, some …
The upgrade to Microsoft's Office Communications Server 2007 suite contains features targeted at driving IP-based communication within and outside of …
Nortel wants to sell off its application-delivery gear to Radware, but to keep on selling it under an OEM agreement. …
Two security researchers fleshed out details today at the Black Hat conference in Washington D.C. of a method they disclosed …
Western Digital Corp. today introduced a new home edition of its network-attached storage (NAS) server that offers continuous data protection, …
One market faring OK in the recession is managed services. As corporate IT staffing gets squeezed, more firms will find …
The price of a data center rack rose by an average of 8.5 percent across Europe last year, with more …