Next-generation DSL systems will enable bandwidths of more than 500Mbps by bonding many copper lines and using advanced noise cancellation, …

Next-generation DSL systems will enable bandwidths of more than 500Mbps by bonding many copper lines and using advanced noise cancellation, …
Cisco's Unified Computing System (UCS) launch earlier this week impacted several vendors across the management software market. Not only did …
Google Inc. reversed last December's decision to ditch the beta label from its Chrome browser, saying it is restoring the …
Microsoft plans to make its Internet Explorer 8 browser available on today, along with a company-commissioned report claiming IE8 is …
Charlie Miller, the security researcher who hacked a Mac in two minutes last year at CanSecWest's PWN2OWN contest, improved his …
Microsoft Corp. will release Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) at 9 a.m. PT today, beating its biggest rival, Mozilla Corp., in …
Oracle is set to release two highly anticipated products within the next several months — Oracle Database 11g Release 2 …
Symantec Corp. formally unveiled its cloud-based storage service, Norton Online Backup, marketing it as a consumer product for managing up …
The high-tech rumor mill churned at high speed Wednesday as industry watchers debated the good, the bad and the ugly …
Ethernet started as the shared copper medium (cable) technology. As data speed increased from 10Mbps to 1Gbps, then Ethernet no …
Google unveiled on Tuesday a new beta release of its Chrome browser, offering improvements in speed and capabilities, such as …
Move over, Amazon. The leading provider of cloud services is about to get some serious competition from Sun Microsystems, which …
Microsoft will tout at the Mix09 conference in Las Vegas this week its planned Silverlight 3 rich Internet application technology …
EMC Corp.'s Iomega Corp. division Tuesday unveiled new features for the Iomega StorCenter ix2 network-attached storage (NAS) drive, including Web …