A just-published Apple patent application for hand-writing recognition on pen-based computers has re-ignited speculation the company will soon unveil a …

A just-published Apple patent application for hand-writing recognition on pen-based computers has re-ignited speculation the company will soon unveil a …
The European Space Agency (ESA) plans to launch a new scanning satellite to map the stars in our galaxy in …
Office 2010's public beta has leaked to the Web, days ahead of its anticipated roll-out next week, searches of file-sharing …
The recent formal approval of the IEEE 802.11n wireless standard marks not the end but the start of a wave …
Google is hoping to make Web pages download up to twice as quickly using SPDY, a new application-layer protocol it's …
Today's settlement of all antitrust litigation between Intel Corp. and Advanced Micro Devices Inc. should benefit both firms — and …
Google's Chrome operating system could mark a turning point in computing, but many questions remain. The new rumor is the …
Microsoft confirmed that an unpatched vulnerability exists in Windows 7, but downplayed the problem, saying most users would be protected …
Blue Coat Systems, Inc. announced that it has “scored strongest among leaders” in the newly issued November 2009 The Forrester …
Dell confirmed it is releasing an Android-based smartphone, called the Mini 3, in China and Brazil, but the company's lack …
A new spam campaign is targeting a financial transfer system that handles trillions of dollars in transactions annually and has …
With VMware Inc.'s release of View 4 last week, the company is promising two things: Full desktop performance at a …
Amazon's cloud computing service should not be used for applications that require advanced security and availability, the Burton Group analyst …
Financial analysts see HP's pending purchase of 3Com as a threat to Cisco because it means 3Com Ethernet switches that …