Cricket Liu, Chief DNS Architect, Infoblox, discusses the potential of passive DNS in protecting network infrastructure.

Cricket Liu, Chief DNS Architect, Infoblox, discusses the potential of passive DNS in protecting network infrastructure.
Zulfikar Ramzan, CTO, RSA Security, discusses how organisations should change their mind-sets to adapt to the evolving threat landscape and the value-add security can bring to businesses.
The seven goals a SaaS security review should address by Ken Asher, Sales Engineer, Security, Smartsheet
Mantraps, access control systems, bollards and surveillance. Your guide to securing the data centre against physical threats and intrusions.
While a software-defined network can improve application performance and help ease administrative tasks, it can also create new vulnerabilities. Experts offer advice for security teams.
How much does it cost technically proficient adversaries to conduct successful attacks, and how much do they earn? The research study from Ponemon Institute, commissioned by Palo Alto Networks, looks at the relationships between the time spend and compensation of today’s adversaries and how organisations can thwart attacks.
Brocade has announced the Brocade G620, which is a Gen 6 Fibre Channel switch for storage networking.
Samsung Electronics recently launched the newest additions to the Galaxy family of products, the Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge in the UAE.
Jumbo Electronics recently launched the ‘Jumbo Mobile Festival’ to encourage the growth and business development of its independent retail (IR) channel partners.
Xerox Emirates has announced its partnership with Almoe Digital Solutions (ADS), the Audiovisual and IT solutions arm of the Almoe Group.
Alpha Data has announced that it has been upgraded to Platinum ProPartner status by Veeam Software.
Built on the Qualys Cloud Platform, ThreatPROTECT correlates data from vulnerability scans and active threat data from multiple sources into a single dynamic dashboard to provide a holistic and contextual view of an organisation’s threat exposure.
Emitac Enterprise Solutions (EES) has announced the appointment of Tony Alam, as its new Chief Executive Officer.
Emitac Enterprise Solutions (EES) has announced the appointment of Tony Alam, as its new Chief Executive Officer.