If you’ve been patiently waiting for Apple to launch its next iPhone, you might be excited to hear that Apple …

If you’ve been patiently waiting for Apple to launch its next iPhone, you might be excited to hear that Apple …
Apple is set to unveil its iPhone 5S on 10 September so here’s what we expect to see. It’s that …
When the first quarter saw IBM miss earnings expectations for the first time in eight years, questions were raised not just on Big Blue, but the state of the IT industry as a whole.
A new report from Forrester Research says these “post-PC” devices could fill a niche, or more than one, in the enterprise.
Dell is shipping Project Ophelia devices to early beta testers. PC sales are already suffering at the hands of mobile devices, and now Dell’s Android PC-on-a-stick threatens the relevance of traditional PCs from a different angle.
While certain recent announcements weren’t as “startling” as Oracle CEO Larry Ellison had promised they would be, its deal with Salesforce.com definitely lived up to the hype and could have some lasting ramifications.
Michael Dell and Silver Lake’s decision to raise the offer to take Dell private is a concession that rival Carl Icahn and affiliate parties may have an upper hand in the wrangling to take over the company, observers of the deal said.
At the Airheads Conference 2013, Aruba’s CEO and CTO promised to “fire back” at Cisco, which they accused of unfair and underhand tactics.
CNME racked up the air miles last month following its inaugural data centre roadshow, Data Centre Build, which saw it …
From a state of disarray to a state-of-the-art mobile network, Iraqi Kurdistan is poised for a huge 4G LTE push. Steven Bond ventured to the autonomous region to find out more.
The BlackBerry Enterprise Service (BES) offering has given customers the option to manage BlackBerry devices whether it is a government or a company network, and the company is now providing that feature so that customers can manage non-BlackBerry devices.
The pace of information creation continues to accelerate, but the ability of infrastructure and information management to keep pace is coming within sight. Big Data is now considered a blessing rather than a curse.
Many eyes in the tech world will fall on Oracle later this week, when the vendor’s fourth-quarter results are set for release.
By Chris Kanaracus IDG News Service (Boston Bureau) Revelations over the U.S. National Security Agency’s Prism surveillance program have much of …