On November 3rd, Huawei opened its 2015 Mobile Broadband expo, Global MBB Forum 2015, in Hong Kong, China. The Global MBB Forum 2015 ran until 5th November and was co-organised by the GSMA and Huawei. Nearly 1,000 leading operators, telecommunications associations, regulatory bodies, standard organisations, analyst firms, vertical industry partners and international media representatives from around the world attended the forum, gathering in Hong Kong’s expo centre to see the Chinese company’s latest offerings.
Delivering the keynote, Ken Hu, Huawei’s Deputy Chairman and Rotating CEO, outlined the company’s roadmap to 2020 with regard to mobile broadband connectivity. “From now until 2020, we have three main targets: supporting 6.7 billion mobile broadband users, supporting a 1Gbps access rate, and supporting one billion connections for the cellular Internet of Things,” he said.
“Achieving these goals will require technology and business model innovation, as well as cross-industry collaboration. Huawei’s mobile broadband strategy will focus on spectrum, air interface, network architecture, integrated base stations, and operations based on user experience.”
He continued, “Connecting people remains a top priority, so both quantity and quality matter. The network is the foundation of user experience, but as we focus on the network, we must, at the same time, focus on the user. And in focusing on network performance, we must also keep in mind how users experience the network.”
Guests at the event discussed issues related to Huawei’s most recent theme – building a better connected world. This included topics such as the expansion of the MBB pipe using 4.5G solutions, and how to take advantage of more powerful pipe capability to explore new industry opportunities.
During the forum, 25 speakers from GSMA, CMCC, Telefonica, Vodafone, Orange, Telecom Italia, SoftBank, Google, BOSCH, and more gave engaging presentations to the attendees. Alongside their host, the 2015 Global MBB Forum exhibition area featured industry partners such as SAIC Motor, BOSCH, Facebook, and Parrot, who demonstrated the latest enabling technologies and business applications.
New technologies highlighted during the event included 5G innovation, the Narrow Band Internet of Things (NB-IOT), MBB network evolution and 4.5G applications.