Busting the 6 Myths of PAM

Busting the 6 Myths of PAM

Myths are curious things, aren’t they? Widely held, false beliefs that gain momentum over time, they can grow and spread …

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Myths are curious things, aren’t they? Widely held, false beliefs that gain momentum over time, they can grow and spread quickly. The line between myth and fact soon becomes blurry – and many choose to believe a myth because it’s often a ‘nicer’ or more appealing reality, or simply because it’s heard enough times.

Here at BeyondTrust, we’ve tried and tried to believe in unicorns, yet they’re still eluding us. And while we’re refusing to write them off as make-believe just yet (along with Bigfoot), there are some myths we do want to dispel.

In this whitepaper, you’ll discover six popular beliefs about Privileged Access Management (PAM) that are, in fact, wrong. We’ll explain why, shed some light on the truth, and provide you with actionable takeaways to develop your journey to a more secure, folklore-free organization.


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