Qualcomm’s fastest Snapdragon 845 mobile platform gives the new device the computing power for its advanced AI functions, which starts with its AI CAM. The new LG G7 ThinQ+ features a redesigned wide-angle 16MP rear dual camera set-up, and an 8MP front camera, that harness the power of AI. The AI CAM allows users to automatically optimise shots based on subject matter.
The device features the firm’s Super Bright Display technology. With a brightness of 1000nits, the display can render vivid colours even under the brightest lighting conditions. The 6.1-inch QHD+ (3120 x 1440) display with a 19.5:9 FullVision screen ratio is housed in a form factor that is perfectly designed for use with one hand, said the firm.
The smartphone offers a dedicated Google Assistant Key that provides quick and easy access to Google Assistant.
The onboard Hi-Fi Quad DAC, DTS:X and earphone jack make the device an ideal choice for audiophiles. It also boasts the Boombox Speaker that generates twice the bass of typical smartphones via its large resonance chamber that amplifies audio when placed on a solid wood or metal surface.
The LG G7 ThinQ+ smartphone is now available across the GCC at all major stores, online retailers and the LG Brand Shops starting at AED 3,359, including VAT.