Lenovo has recently announced that the company’s CEO, Yang Yuanqing has been awarded a $3 million annual bonus for leading the company to dizzying heights. In May this year, Lenovo reported total sales of $29.6 billion, an increase of about 37% from the previous year. The company reported an operating profit of $584 million and according to technology publication, The Verge; Lenovo’s PC shipments grew by 34.9% over last year, compared to an industry average of around 3%.
Following this announcement, Yuanqing astonished the international community by announcing that instead of adding the bonus to his multi-million dollar salary, he would distribute the amount among 10,000 of the company’s lower level employees.
According to CNN, the employees, such as receptionists, production-line workers and assistants, each received an average bonus of approximately $314, in the name of their CEO.
His total earnings, including salary, incentives and other benefits, amounted to $14 million, according to the company’s annual report.